History Leadership Poetry

MYAMAR -Coup d’état

Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy won the elections in November.
YANGON – Myanmar’s military has detained the country’s de facto leader Aung San Suu Kyi in an apparent coup.

The military claims it carried out the coup in response to election fraud.
Picture credit:AFP/Lillian Suwanrumpha


Oh! Muhammad ﷺ

“And which of the favours of your Lord can you deny.”
Holy Quran. Chapter 55.

History Lifestyle Poetry Society

House Demolitions!

In the first year of the Al Aqsa Intifada alone (Sept 2001 – 2002) over 9,000 homes were demolished, making 40,000 Palestinians homeless. Ismail A Patel. Palestine. Beginner’s Guide. Page 192

History Leadership Poetry Society


Duplicity reveals itself like the serpent because it cannot brave the son of courage. Duplicity, the tool of the powerful, like the serpent strikes first with the tail only to expose its grotesque head when you on the floor. To rise up, you need to see what it is and not to live the lie.

COVID-19 Lifestyle Poetry Society

2021! Another Year!

The writing was always on the wall. We just did not read it right or, we just did not understand it or, we just ignored it. 2021 beckons on what 2020 left on the wall.

Image by Greg Montani from Pixabay

Belief COVID-19 History Islam Leadership Poetry

Meet the Man: Prophet Muhammadﷺ

“Then pray for much water as crystal clear
To water God’s pilgrims at the sites they revere
As long as it lasts you’ve nothing to fear.” Ali ibn Abu Talib about the well of Zamzam when ordered to dig Zamzam. (Ibn Ishaq. The Life of Muhammad translated by A.Guillaume

Image credit: Pinterest.

Belief COVID-19 Lifestyle Poetry Society

Chasing Shadows.

Mr.C.Watsa:”Yawar when you walk down a poorly lit road at night, sometimes you see shadows which look frightening. But if you keep on walking you come to the shadow and realise that it is only a light pole or something like that. The shadow looked frightening but the reality is something we with everyday.” Actual quote of teacher to pupil.
Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay

Belief COVID-19 History Poetry


Treachery is worse than a nail through the palm of your hand yet, many choose it to nail many to destruction only to find their peril at their own hands.

History Poetry Society


The lie of 1652 lies in the fact that there was engagement 180 years before 1652 with the local Khoe of South Africa. Charles Bell’s painting was painted 200 years after the fact! Deceived into belief is a crime against humanity too!