COVID-19 Education History Leadership Society

Voices from Heaven.

People from Mosakahiken Cree Nation hug in front of a makeshift memorial at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School to honour the 215 children whose remains were discovered buried near the facility, in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, on June 4, 2021.

COVID-19 Leadership Society

Superman! Where are you?

We look beyond the boundaries of our own villages, towns and cities for heroes only to find that they were around us all the time. They shaped our lives yet, we gave it to others who we have never and will never meet.

COVID-19 Education Society

Be relevant.

“When you come to the end of the light of all that you know and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen; there will be something firm to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.” Barbara Winters

Photo by Armands Lazdiņš on Unsplash

COVID-19 Lifestyle Poetry Society

2021! Another Year!

The writing was always on the wall. We just did not read it right or, we just did not understand it or, we just ignored it. 2021 beckons on what 2020 left on the wall.

Image by Greg Montani from Pixabay

Belief COVID-19 History Islam Leadership Poetry

Meet the Man: Prophet Muhammadﷺ

“Then pray for much water as crystal clear
To water God’s pilgrims at the sites they revere
As long as it lasts you’ve nothing to fear.” Ali ibn Abu Talib about the well of Zamzam when ordered to dig Zamzam. (Ibn Ishaq. The Life of Muhammad translated by A.Guillaume

Image credit: Pinterest.