When people are killed because of their faith and the world remains silent; it is like normalising hate.
Picture caption: A man places flowers and pays his respects at the scene in London, Ontario, on Monday, June 7.
Category: Belief
MAY 15, 1948 The day 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homeland by the Zionist Israeli occupation. Today, it continues with their soldiers afraid of children. The NAKBA DAY lives as a personification of resilient resistance.
This is the Man
I walked the graveyard and looked at names of those I should have praised. Long gone are they so I say:
Don’t put roses of my grave
to make regret your master and you the slave.
Be in my company and together we the live the gaze
of the One who is all worthy of praise.
Image by MUHAMMED BAHCECİK from Pixabay (Young boy memorising the Holy Quran)
The Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) thrown down a well! His father received the fake news of his death – blood and gore! His inward eye was never blind to truth but, his sons believed in their truth. Fake news is not new.
Life, Death, Burial & Grave space.
Kane & Abel was Chapter 1 for Death & Burial. Today, like Seneca says, we ‘act like mortals in all that you fear but like immortals in all that you desire.’
Image by Gerhard G. from Pixabay
“The Dark Half.” The unexplored Self.
Navigating through life without knowing yourself is like going down an abyss. You think you are sailing the seven seas.
If aliens had a hand in this then who built Rome?
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay
Education, Faith & Capitalism.
The current education system globally is outmoded. We are producing drones (our school going children) to achieve the ends of fast capitalism.
Image by DJI-Agras from Pixabay
“Don’t count the days. Make the days count! ” Muhammad Ali
100 Publications is the Victory. What has knocked you out?
Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston. Photo Credit: Neil Leifer 1965
Faith. Desire or Fear?
You act like mortals in all that you fear but like immortals in all that you desire. -Seneca.
Faith then, is it what we fear or desire?
Image by Syauqi Fillah from Pixabay