“Don’t count the days. Make the days count! ” Muhammad Ali
100 Publications is the Victory. What has knocked you out?
Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston. Photo Credit: Neil Leifer 1965
Transformation through education
“Don’t count the days. Make the days count! ” Muhammad Ali
100 Publications is the Victory. What has knocked you out?
Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston. Photo Credit: Neil Leifer 1965
Duplicity reveals itself like the serpent because it cannot brave the son of courage. Duplicity, the tool of the powerful, like the serpent strikes first with the tail only to expose its grotesque head when you on the floor. To rise up, you need to see what it is and not to live the lie.
“Then pray for much water as crystal clear
To water God’s pilgrims at the sites they revere
As long as it lasts you’ve nothing to fear.” Ali ibn Abu Talib about the well of Zamzam when ordered to dig Zamzam. (Ibn Ishaq. The Life of Muhammad translated by A.Guillaume
Image credit: Pinterest.
Faugh is an expression of disgust and befitting on the lips when you see how people get away with murder! Other expressions of vulgarity have no refinement because its dirty as the crime.
Image from Pixabay
Hatred fuels the fires of hell and torture kindles hatred. Why would human right violations be the order of the state when peaceful alternatives are vivid as the rising sun? Because of Power! ‘Absolute power corrupts absolutely.’
Picture from: theshock.deviantart.com
‘The source of our strength is the person we know ourselves to be.’ Angela Duckworth.
Image by ronbd from Pixabay
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” Marcus Aurelius.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
The advent of servitude is Spartacus revived in the corridors of power and the fight has moved from the Colosseum to the UN. Is it not so?
“Several dead men and various scattered weapons are located in a large arena. Near the center of the image is a man wearing armor standing in the middle of an arena looking up at a large crowd. The man has his right foot on the throat of an injured man who is reaching towards the crowd. Members of the crowd are indicating a “thumbs down” gesture. The arena is adorned with marble, columns, flags, and statues.”
Pollice Verso (Thumbs Down) by Jean-Léon Gérôme, the 19th-century painting that inspired Ridley Scott
I saw Presidents begging, the tune was not appealing
so I hit the ceiling.
Image by Sergio Cerrato from Pixabay
Apartheid ignited the resistance but, South Africa’s democracy gave flight to new stones of discontent.
Image: Service Delivery Protest: South Africa