Everything you can imagine is real – Pablo Picasso
In the recent week there has been too much and it felt that my tea cup was brewing a storm. Indulge me in the stirring of events from the Extremist Timbuktu Islamic police chief sentenced to 10 years in jail by ICC. He is Al-Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud and has been convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity. This sentence was handed down on 20 November 2024 and the next day the ICJ handed down the arrest warrants for Benjamin Netyanhu and Gallant. On 27 November 2024, USA announces a ceasefire in Lebanon. On the same day Al-Jazeera reported that 10 000 tents in Gaza were washed way with flash floods. Emblazoned on the screen were the skeleton images of children dying of forced starvation in Gaza and it struck a lightening bolt in my mind. I listened to this but the images that flooded the screen made me jolt the tea cup in my hand and it felt heavy only because I was dumbstruck and oblivious of the sumptuous breakfast.
Added to this was the character assassination of Dr.Imitiaaz Suliman of Gift of the Givers which startled the world but was the sugar for the brand of tea for the supremacists that dwell in the misery of a doomsday culture. Now when I looked at the media coverage and Benjamin Netanyahu speaking confidently, making headlines with Joe Biden saying that the arrest warrants are ridiculous, it became clear that for them and their warmongering cohorts, this Genocide is just a storm in a teacup! Can you believe this! Yes, for them it is a storm in a teacup. Get that in your mind and let it resonate and let it percolate. Oh no! it can be, you having tea. Just as I was about to tell you about the impending ICJ case against the military leader of Myanmar who is a perpetrator of a genocide against one million Muslims, my tea cup almost fell from my hands. I saw this:
Israel gave “AID” to the people of Gaza but it was SAND and not SUGAR! What a storm?
Now that the storm is brewing, the war in Ukraine is taking a hectic turn, whilst the cost of the war in Lebanon is escalating, analysts are counting the losses of Israel and are concluding that the ceasefire was necessary. USA is haemorrhaging financially which makes one wonder on the cost of the GENOCIDE in Gaza. What about the compounding cost of funding other warlords and keeping Africa in a state of dependency on AID? WOW what a master plan doomed to failure. What if all countries were allowed to print money? Can you imagine the state of play? Lots to think about and reflect tirelessly why Saddam and Gadaffi had to be killed and their lands put to war. Then again, our complaints on USA’s bankruptcy, for the USA is just a storm in a tea cup. Take a look, but listen too.
This is predator capitalism and Neo-colonialism in all its glory!
When the news broke of the ‘Zama Zama’, the illegal miners in South Africa been ‘smoked out’ by the police it occurred to me how much the world will spend to protect an ounce of gold but, will waste no time in abusing human rights. Hence, I wonder the value of human life. It conjures up the image of the scale – mankind on one pan and the gold on the other. Based on our values, sadly, mankind is outweighed and the new gold is WAR! The loss of human life for the movers and shakers of fast capitalism, predator capitalism and Neo-colonialism, is but a storm in the tea cup.

It is STORM in a Tea Cup! The fly began to swoop Steaming tea got it in a loop. Swirling stirs and thrown sugar and rising drop Flapping wings winces, heavy as a mop It falls and the oblivious fool Pulls to his lips to wash the drool. Oh! said the flies in ceremony Bennie's death an acrimony A storm in tea cup sipped his life Oh! so many like him...its rife! Surely beyond the storm in the cup Mankind hang all ready to rupt And the unheeding head titled Aghast the fool's eyes filtered Shaking like leaves He saw the world is at war and UN & Cohorts give no reprieves. Oh! the fool were it not for the shaken cup of tea he would never see... Genocide in Gaza, Sudan , Myanmar & more Ethnic cleansing galore. UN and agencies - no clout! USA veto - always a shout! Oh! for them all a storm in a tea cup Alas! they surreptitiously sup Gaza in forced starvation UN & Cohorts offer no salvation. Oh! its just a storm in the tea cup And for all its time to sup Muslim nations states Pathetic fate Ummah big in number But in slumber So, for them too its time to sup Oh! the ummah all is just a storm in the tea cup! Brewing beneath storm 'Al Guraba' form. Fighting a release from the cup Never to savour a sup Release never to appease! And for all the storm spilled the world now filled. Awareness, new narratives, boycotts & resistance nations changes with instance. Oh! all is no more a storm in the tea cup! - Abdullah Sujee