Belief History Leadership Lifestyle Poetry

406: 365 – 24/7 & Counting….

406: 365- 24/7 & Counting...
Four hundred and six days of hell fire 
Three hundred and sixty five days said the sire.
Oh No! it was twenty-four hours of horror
Raining down on every human corridor.

Gaza turned into a wasteland of rubble and twisted steel
The ummah became the hearts of justice that all feel.
'Sinwar's stick' became the rallying moment of heroes & legends
USA and all can only give you Micky Mouse, Sponge Bob, Superman & Friends.

Hostages of Hamas said their goodbyes and the world was aghast!
Hostages of IDF suffer sodomy, rape, torture, brutalisation - CNN & FOX cover fast!
From South Africa came the call for justice @ the ICJ
OH! the world cried OFAY and wanted to slay 
the killer
Alas! 406:365-24/7 & counting martyrs were the land filler.
Genocide. Say it LOUD
CNN, FOX continue to FAKE it Proud!

Arise! babies fertilise holes 
Streets became graveyards as the earth folds
And martyrs are born to save
406:365-24/7 as children lie forlorn next to mum's grave!
Genocide 406:365-24/7 & counting...

The genocide continues and it is clear that the world has woken up. The narrative of the holocaust is now juxtaposed with the genocide in Gaza and the questions that resonate makes for great conversation. People who do not know the facts spit venom and charge the emotions of the masses with false rhetoric and this too, is now picked up by so many. They have become vociferous because they cannot handle the guilt of living an indoctrination that starved them of freedom. ‘Gaza has changed the world’ – Journalist and author Matt Kennard, said at an event for occupied Palestine in London on Saturday. ‘It exposed all pro-genocide governments around the world. But the freedom and justice loving people in their millions are with Palestine,’ Kennard said after he was given an award at the event.

The idea of the “chosen people” — particularly in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — has often been framed as a divine or historical right, which some have used to justify political actions, territorial claims, and national identity. However, as the discourse around Palestine evolves, there’s a growing recognition that this concept is increasingly viewed less as a divine mandate and more as a political tool, used to legitimize power and control.

This shift in perspective parallels the historical narratives of kings and rulers who once claimed divine right to rule, asserting that their authority was granted by higher powers. Over time, such claims were exposed as mere political rhetoric, masking the more mundane truth of power dynamics and human manipulation. The “kings without clothes” metaphor — originating from Hans Christian Andersen’s tale The Emperor’s New Clothes — effectively illustrates how such rhetoric, when scrutinized, is revealed to be hollow and self-serving, rather than divinely ordained.

Extrapolating this idea, one could argue that the political use of the “chosen people” narrative is similarly a form of self-legitimization, constructed and maintained by those in power to reinforce authority and control, rather than a genuine divine or historical claim. As discussions about Palestine and Israel shift, many are beginning to question whether this “divine right” is more about consolidating political power in the present than any spiritual or historical justification.

Thus, the critique is not necessarily of the historical or religious roots of the “chosen people” concept but of its modern political manipulation. The shift in perspective on Palestine is part of a broader reevaluation of power, legitimacy, and historical narratives, where political elites may be seen as similarly duplicitous — employing myths or divine-sounding rhetoric to mask more worldly ambitions.

Throughout The Ascent of Money, Ferguson emphasizes the importance of understanding financial systems and their impact on history. He argues that financial innovation has been a key driver of human progress but also a source of instability when misused or misunderstood. In light of his ingenuous thoughts, the question that begs the mind is just how advanced were the people of Palestine. Surely, it was not a land without a people for a people without a land. The coin is historic evidence of advancement.

Did you know? Do you choose not to know?

YearHistorical fact
1878First Zionist agricultural colony in Palestine (Petah Tikva)
188225,000 Jewish immigrants begin to settle in Palestine, mainly from Eastern Europe.
1891Baron Maurice de Hirsch, a German, founds the Jewish Colonisation Association in London to aid Zionist settlers in Palestine.
1897Zionist Congress calls for a home for the Jewish people in Palestine Pamphlet by founder of socialist Zionism, Rahman Syrkin, says Palestine ‘must be evacuated for the Jews.’
1917Balfour Declaration; British Secretary of State pledges support for a ‘Jewish national home in Palestine’.
1918Palestine occupied by Allies under Allenby. WW1 over, Ottoman rule in Palestine ends.
1948/03/10Plan Dalet, the Zionist blueprint for the cleansing of Palestine finalised.
1948/05/03Report claims that between 175,000 and 250,000 Palestinians have been forced from their homes.
1948/05/14Israel declares independence as a British mandate ends. President Truman recognises the state of Israel.
Source: Pappé, I., 2006. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine. 1st ed. Oxford: Oneworld Publications.

As the bombs continue to rain down its hell on innocent people, the world looks to the United Nations and again the narrative of this organisation has changed to take on the metaphor of an empty vessel that makes the most noise. It has revealed its duplicity, hypocrisy, bias and deep rooted prejudice so much so that in many minds it is referred to as the gangster house that carries an image that fools everyone. It is clear now more than ever that the UN perpetuated racism all the time and it was saved because it was protected by media houses that influenced global thought. Today the web has been torn off the UN flag and the world is left bare to see the reality of those who say that promote justice. Alas! They only make mischief in the world. To the discerning mind this would make you think.

Are these not the countries that make up the United Nations. Who amongst them have VETO POWER? Why did they not call the HUMAN RIGHTS abuse then? Makes you think…Readers are many, thinkers are few!

Have Your Say

406: 365- 24/7 & Counting…

Day 19/11/2024 is about to set on the world
20/11/2024 is yet to rise to see more misery unfurl.
Keep counting 
Death toll is mounting.
Genghis Khan is no more praised fine
Benjamin Netanyahu born in 1949
Genghis sipped the cup of death in 1227
None describe THEIR earthly heaven
406:365-24/7 & counting 
Oh! How will stand before Allah on the day of Accounting?
None have reverence of Muhammad صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ
Islam will never be annihilated, protected by As-Samad.
406: 365- 24/7 & Counting..

- Abdullah Sujee

You be the Judge:

Is this a case where normalising hate has become a virtue?

Concluding with the last testament of Martyr Yahya Al-Sinwar: 
" ... Prison taught me that freedom is not just a stolen right, but an idea born from pain and refined patience....Do not expect the world to do you justice, for I have lived and witnessed how the world remains silent in the face of our pain. Do not expect justice, but be just. Carry the dream of Palestine in your hearts, and make every wound a weapon, and every tear a source of hope." Al-Sinwar Yahya, 2024. The Thorn and the Carnation. TASQ Company.

Indoctrination at its best! Imagine for just 1 second this was a Muslim version of a conflict with a NON-MUSLIM people.

  • Abdullah Sujee


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